Albert Castiglia (4K Multi Cam) Boca Raton, Florida - The Funky Biscuit - 2019-05-25

Albert Castiglia Band Live (4K Multi Cam) in Boca Raton, Florida at The Funky Biscuit on May 25 2019.

Albert Castiglia - Guitar & Vocals
Graham Wood Drout - Vocals
Drew Preston - Guitar
AJ Kelly - Bass

Video by Michael Wolf & Mike Shivvers
Outstanding audio by Ray Durso

#AlbertCastiglia #DrewPreston #GrahamWoodDrout #GulfCoastRecords

The Miami-raised musician served an apprenticeship while backing legendary blues musician Junior Wells. He later went on to work with singer Sandra Hall. Never content to allow himself to be confined to any particular category, he embarked on a solo career that’s yielded eight critically acclaimed album and consist kudos for his exceptional instrumental prowess, his searing vocals, and live performances that have dazzled audiences from coast to coast. It’s little wonder that Miami’s New Times lauded him as South Florida’s “Best Blues Guitarist” or that USA Today was inspired to remark “It's a revelation to discover the thrilling retro-electric blues from this astonishing young guitarist.” Likewise, called Castiglia “one of those mid-tier artists that is just one album away from breaking big and becoming a household word in the blues world.” Or, as M Music & Musicians once noted, “His back-to-basics approach follows in the footsteps of those who fostered the blues in the Mississippi Delta and the smoky late-night haunts of Chicago.”