Funky Monkey by Lyon Brave

It’s time to kick back and relax X2

Finally, I made it! Finally, I am living high!
Jumping out of airplanes because I know
I am going to land on cloud nine!
Taking risks is how you build and enterprise!
You got to rise to a higher vibe!

I have adapted to the mentality of Ivory Keys,
but sometimes when you are ebony
you want to dance to a real funky beat,
I grew up on a farm, but that doesn’t make me a farmer
Though I reap what i sow at the harvest
I be sitting on the back of the bus, reading
a good book, catching up on all my history.

I am sick of white people telling me racism doesn’t exist
Fredrick Douglas says it best, “ I am sick of white people
Taking all my shit. Holding the goods, holding the guns,
shooting at my mother, while I am always on the run.
I am sick of white people telling me stupid shit like
prejudice, and slavery doesn’t exist. This is just a metaphor,
get your panties on the floor. This is how we live.

White people had easy living, especially in America.
They had it made, they had slaves. They made Mexicans
their bitches. They took everything for themselves. While
Some black people were the same as monkeys, only paying
us a quarter if we danced. (dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance)
While a quarter ain’t worth shit compared to a million dollars.
Keep your quarters. A quarter ain’t worth shit. I ain’t dancing for a million
Quarters, a million quarters ain’t worth shit. I am worth a million dollars,
& I will only dance for you if you give me a billion dollars. (la, la, la, la, la, la la la)

It’s a new day. It’s a new dawn. It’s a new life.
One thing is truer than true. You got to be cooler than cool.
Don’t ever let the ghouls and the fools get to you. If they do
Rearrange their schedule and take them to school for an education.
Ignorance isn't bliss. It’s incarceration for the simpletons.
I went to preschool, to grade school, to high school, to art school.
Just to realize I need to go to choir school. Get my music education
So I can be the dopest one on the mic. I got to get my kicks right.
Got to be the dopest one on the block. Got to be fresh!
Real fresh! Got to be the dopest one on the mic. It’s time
To kick back and relax, it’s time to kick back and relax
& do nothing. Finally, I made it! Finally, I am living high!
Jumping out of airplanes because I know I am going to land on cloud9.
Taking risks is how you build an enterprise.
You got to rise to a higher vibe, a higher frequency.

I am speaking with divine inspiration. Call me
A music muse. I am masturbating poetry. It’s time
to kick back and relax, it’s time to kick back and relax
& do nothing. Finally, I made it! Finally, I am living high!
Jumping out of airplanes because I know I am going
to land on cloud9. Taking risks is how you build an enterprise.
You got to rise to a higher vibration. You got to rise to a higher frequency. I am a music muse
(a millionaire) you better recognize.

I have adapted to the mentality of ivory keys,
but sometimes when you are ebony
you want to dance to a really funky beat.

I am so cool that I got to cool off. I am so cool
I can play the violin standing on my head.
I am so cool, I can do the moonwalk
just a little bit better than Michale Jackson.

Something about being ebony, when you hear a really funky beat
you just want to lose it! Something in your blood, makes you want to dance to the music. Something about being ebony makes you want to sing. Something about being me makes me want to be a music muse. I am only motoring my mouth on the microphone because I want to see
your motorboats. (& we out, we out, and this is how we live and this is how we do it) x2
this is how we live, everyday hustling my music