disco funky reagge konečný verdikt cha cha

Zamyslete se občas proč v dokumentech o světové druhé válce nikde neuslišíte nic otom že židi dělali kabalu a to je misticismus a proč byl hitler magor a kdo stal v pozadí proč se lidi chtěli vraždit a proč šli po židech podle mě to vrhá na druhou světovou válku noví pohled a nejsem nacista ani rasista neschvaluji nic stoho co se stalo jen říkám že si myslím že ty co bojovali proti němcum jen nepochopili oco jde a proč se to děje dodnes to lidé nechaapou jak se to mohlo stát ale podle mě kabala vtom sehrála hlavní roli misticismus i když i hitler byl posedlí okultismem ale v tu dobu to proti sobě používali všichni jako stejně i dnes tady u nás v kocourkově

Think sometimes why in the documentaries about the second world war you will not hear anything about the Jews doing cabal and that is mysticism and why hitler was a madman and who stood in the background why people wanted to kill each other and why they went after the jews in my opinion it refers to the second world war a new point of view and I'm not a Nazi or a racist, I don't approve of anything that happened, I'm just saying that I think that those who fought against the Germans just didn't understand what was going on and why it's happening to this day, people don't understand how it could happen, but I think the cabal played a major role in it mysticism, even though Hitler was obsessed with occultism, but at that time everyone used it against each other, just like today here in Kocourkov

