
Funky Live Jam - Roland TR-8s, Minibrute, Minilogue XD, Rocket, Slap Bass, Ableton Live Looping

Hey folks, I got the Funk! :D

I'm giving away this jam as a royalty free sample pack!
In the zip file you'll find also a tasting selection of Les Productions Zvon Sample Pack, used in this jam for the Boom Bap vocal chops solo. You can download everything here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kmrrh2fwdvjor1k/Funky%20Jam%20samples%20by%20Belibat%20%28105bpm%20-%20F%20blues%20scale%29.zip?dl=0

This jam was inspired by a lovely sample pack, kindly provided by Les Productions Zvon. It is a collection of sounds taken from old TV shows and movies, from 30s to the early 60s. Plenty of lo-fi amusement! https://lesproductionszvon.com/mc10.htm

As usual, here are some info about the setup and the structure.

The Minilogue XD plays the main chords, with an half organ, half electric piano patch.

The Roland TR-8s plays the Drums and this time i used an hybrid sequencing approach. The first groove is played on the Akai MPC Element pads and recorded/looped through Ableton midi clip. Love the Akai pads!
Then i started adding some elements from the TR-8s own sequencer, like the 16th closed hihat. Then i used the Akai MPC pads to play some fills live.
So in the end the TR-8s was playing midi notes from an Ableton clip, from its sequencer and from the pads at the same time!

Played the bass on my MusicMan Sting Ray, fingered first, then slapped the funk out of it.

The Highway One Telecaster guitar was used to play some rhythmic wha chords, to add to the groove.

The Minibrute plays a solo in the first part, and an arpeggio in the ending, thanks to an high resonance patch giving that classic funky feel.

Used Push 2 pads to play samples chopped in the Beatmaker 3 ipad app, to create that scratchy sample solo.

Finally the Waldorf Rocket, taking midi notes from the Minilogue XD chords, was used to create buildups, while its filter cutoff was controlled by an expression pedal.

About the structure.
The jam opens up with chords from the Minilogue XD and the drum groove played through the MPC pads. Soon the fingered Bass line and the Guitar chords are added.
Everything is lowpass and highpass filtered, to gradually open up the filters for the drop.
Then the Minibrute solo comes in, to end the first part of the track in a low dynamic phase with just hihat and guitar.
The second drum groove comes to anticipate the slap bass line.
Everything fades out, thanks to a lowpass filter, to make space for a sample chops solo.
Drum fills, cymbals and a synth arpeggio from the Minibrute bring us to the ending.

As usual Ableton Live was used as a master clock, as a midi and audio sequencer and for effects.
All audio tracks were passed through an Mbox Pro 3 soundcard or using usb audio, and then recorded in Ableton.

Used Ableton stock fx plus Soundtoys and Native Instruments plugins.

Video is a continuous take from two cameras (an iPhone and an iPad) plus some added shot of the pedals.