"Kayleigh" funky cover version of Jan Urbanc, feat. voc. Larry Lohr, feat. all guitars Harry Zawrel

This is a private project with no commercial intention. Bass, drums and keyboards had been played, recording, mixing and video dubbing had been done by myself, Jan Urbanc, Nuernberg/Germany in Feb. 2022.

Lead vocals by special guest and friend: Larry Lohr
All guitars played by special guest and friend: Harry Zawrel.

Equipment: Roland TD27 e-drums, a Sandberg Ida Nielsen Signature bass, Komplete A61 Keyboard, Native Instruments, Komplete 12 Ultimate, EV RE20 microphone, DAW REAPER from Cockos. Nikon Z50 camera and Magix Video Deluxe.

I have no rights to the composition and lyrics of the song:

Producer – Chris Kimsey
Sleeve [Sleeve By] – Mark Wilkinson (4)
Written-By – Marillion