Steve Arvey Playing Some Funky Bo Diddley Blues With Harp Live At The Jazz Club Of Torino Italy

Steve Arvey on tour! Dates And Tickets
Come see Steve Arvey and Band at the Hot Spot for Blues And Jazz in Torino Italy. This song is "Wish You Would" By Billy Boy Arnold. This video features Fast Frank Guitar, Andrea “Rooster”Scagliarini on Harmonica, Mel Contino on Drums, Micky On percussion And Tony Raiola Bass.

Vieni a vedere Steve Arvey e Band all'Hot Spot for Blues And Jazz a Torino, Italia. Questa canzone è "Wish You Would" di Billy Boy Arnold. Questo video presenta Fast Frank Guitar, Andrea "Rooster"Scagliarini all'armonica, Mel Contino alla batteria, Micky alle percussioni e Tony Raiola al basso,
Vieni a vedere Steve Arvey e la band allestiti per il primo concerto del tour europeo 2023 all'Hot Spot for Blues And Jazz di Torino, in Italia. Molto lavoro, ma il locale ha un tale rispetto per i musicisti che aiutano a creare l'atmosfera che spinge le persone al locale. Un ringraziamento speciale a Fast Frank che ha aiutato Steve in Italia nel suo tour.

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* Cole Clark Guitars Quality Guitars Made In Australia
* Lace Music Guitars and Pickup’s
* AMT Electronics Pedals And Effects
* 3Saiter Guitars Made In Germany
* Balance Guitars Handmade Custom Guitars Made In The USA
* Wild Dog Stomp Foot Drum
* Magslide Slides For Guitars
* MGB Parts And Guitars
Steve Arvey has a 40 year music career where he has traveled the world performing at Festivals, Concert Venues and many events. He is a full time musician and a singer songwriter composer. Steve’s music has appeared in movies and commercials. He has had quite a career as a sideman and a front man. He has appeared and performed with Hubert Sumlin, Screaming Jay Hawkins, Jr Wells. Bo Diddley, Big Smokey Smothers and many notable artists. More information can be found at
Wie man Zigarrenschachtelgitarre spielt. Steve Arvey wird im September beim German Cigar Box Guitar Festival spielen