
VG Arch Rivals Vol. 4 Bonus - Funky Kicks [Miror B. & Mettaton Ex]

Album download (this is an exclusive bonus song): *coming soon*
Related post: http://djthes.com/vgar4-bonus-3-funky-kicks/
Fabulous Mettaton Ex picture by TheXaviex: https://thexaviex.deviantart.com/art/Join-to-the-Show-Mettaton-Ex-FanArt-581457804
Fabulous Miror B. picture: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/350/c/b/21_miror_b_by_skittystrawberries-d6y8tvq.png
Song Title: Funky Kicks
OST Title: Miror B. Battle, Power of "NEO", Death By Glamour
Game: Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, Undertale
Platform: Nintendo GameCube, PC
Composer: Tsukasa Tawada, Toby "Radiation" Fox
Uploader's comments: The third and last of the exclusive bonus songs as a little extra for those who download the upcoming album VG Arch Rivals Vol. 4.

This one is a dance-off featuring Miror B. and the fabulous Mettaton Ex. Long-time fans will find parts of this song familiar.


All tracks were made to appreciate and promote video game music. There is no copyright infringement intended. All rights belong to their respectful owners.